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Awaken Your Inner Light

Imagine Unlimited access to your own spiritual mentor, accelerating your inner growth and igniting a deeper connection to your soul's purpose. This exclusive 1:1 Mentorship Program is designed to meet you exactly where you are on your spiritual journey.

Have you glimpsed your unique pshychic gifts but crave deeper understanding? This personalized 1:1 mentorship program is your key to unlocking your full potential!

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Unleash Your Potential

Here's how we'll co-create your transformation:

  • Personalised Roadmap: We craft a plan aligned with your unique needs and goals, propelling you to the next level.

  • Unleash Your Power: Master the tools to clear blockages, release stress, and live a life overflowing with joy and alignment.

  • Unlock Your Gifts: Discover unique building blocks for your inner growth, fostering expansion and inter-dimensional awareness.

  • Guaranteed Transformation: This program promises a profound shift, awakening your true self and deepening your connection to Spirit.

What sets this program apart?​

  • In-Depth Sessions: 6 x 1:1 personalized sessions (in-person or virtual) tailored to your specific needs.

  • Holistic Approach: Enjoy a blend of healing practices, psychic guidance, oracle card readings, and energy clearing.

  • Ongoing Guidance: Access information and support, ask questions and receive guidance anytime you need it via Whatsapp. 

  • Tailored Exploration: We work together to choose fortnightly-themed content and explore any aspects needing guidance at your own pace.

Empowering Program Features

  • ​Exclusive Program Portal: Your one-stop shop for all program resources, meditations, and exercises. Access everything seamlessly.

  • Life-Changing Meditations: Master the art of meditation and learn to ground your energy. This skill is key to unlocking your intuition. (Bonus! Includes a FREE introductory meditation course)

  • Powerful Activation Sessions: Experience transformative activations designed to awaken your spiritual abilities.

  • Unlimited Support during your program: Access me directly whenever you need guidance on your journey.

  • Fortnightly Transformational Coaching Calls: Focusing on self-healing, emotional release, business coaching, and more. Work with me to create the perfect package to fit your needs!

    Additional Enhancements for Deeper Growth:

  • Personalised Integration Call: (FREE!) Enjoy a dedicated 30-minute call to discuss your progress and map out your next steps.

  • FREE Psychic Reading: (FREE!) Enjoy a dedicated 30-minute psychic reading with me, in person (in the Campbelltown area) OR via video call!

  • FREE Shamanic Healing Session: (FREE!) Enjoy a dedicated 1-hour Shamanic Reiki Healing Session with me, in person (in the Campbelltown area) OR via video call!

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Ignite Your Spiritual Flame

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You've experienced a spiritual awakening and want to explore your gifts further.

  • You're ready to heal past trauma and limiting beliefs.

  • You seek a supportive guide to help you live your soul's purpose.

Here's how we'll co-create your transformation:

  • Uncover Your Gifts: Through personalised guidance and psychic insights, you'll gain clarity on your unique spiritual abilities.

  • Heal Past Wounds: Release emotional baggage and limiting beliefs that may be hindering your growth.

  • Embrace Intuitive Wisdom: Learn techniques to access your intuition and receive guidance from spirit guides.

  • Live Your Soul's Purpose: Craft a roadmap that aligns your actions with your deepest desires and soul's calling.

  • Imagine: feeling empowered by your gifts, radiating self-love, and living a life aligned with your soul's truth.

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Join my 1 on 1 Psychic Development Mentorship Program

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What kind of spiritual gifts can I unlock? This program can help you uncover a variety of gifts, including intuition, clairsentience (feeling energy), clairaudience (hearing messages), or even healing abilities.

  2. How will I know if I have past trauma to heal? Past trauma doesn't always manifest as dramatic events. It can be anything that's left an emotional imprint, like self-doubt or fear of failure. We'll explore this together.

  3. What healing techniques will we use? This program utilises a personalised approach. We may explore techniques like guided meditation, energy clearing, or journaling prompts to help you release past burdens.

  4. What exactly is a soul's purpose? Your soul's purpose is your unique reason for being here. It's about using your gifts and passions to contribute to the world in a meaningful way.

  5. What if I don't know what my soul's purpose is? That's okay! The program will help you explore your values, interests, and talents to discover what truly lights you up.

  6. Is this program religious? No, this program is open to all spiritual paths and beliefs. We'll focus on fostering your connection to something greater than yourself.

  7. What's the difference between this and psychic readings? This program goes beyond a one-time reading. It's a collaborative journey of exploration, healing, and empowerment.

  8. How long does the program last? This program goes for 3 months, during which we have fortnightly 2-hour sessions, and you have access to unlimited support with me.

  9. Do I need any prior experience? This program is ideal for anyone who has a basic understanding of their spiritual gifts and looking to progress into a spiritual career or has begun a spiritual career and wants support and guidance along the way. This program is for anyone ready to delve deeper into their spirituality, regardless of where they are currently. If you are at the beginning of your journey and need to understand your gifts and help activate them, I would recommend my Spiritual development program, if you are unsure which is right for you, book a FREE discovery call with me and we can discuss this further, to work out which program is right for you!

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